Tell us about yourself (Who are you? Where are you from? What is your educational background?)
My name is Emanuela Parlato. I come from Naples in the South of Italy. I have studied Animal Science at University of Naples,
and I did my Bachelor Thesis at Wageningen University were I was studied for a period of 6 months in the Animal Nutrition Group
under the supervisor of Prof. Walter Gerrits. After my Bachelor Degree I went to the University of Lincoln in Nebraska (UNL) were
I took a Master and the PhD in Animal Breeding and Genetics under the supervision of Prof. Dale Loyd Van Vleck.
I was at UNL for a period of 3 years. From 2003 I work as Animal Geneticist at the Italian Buffalo Breeders Association.
Last year my collegues and I constituted M’AMA BUFFALO a no profit Organization that works in the field of Buffalo Welfare and
What is your area of expertise?
Animal Genetics, Animal Welfare, Buffalo development for meat and milk, Data Analyst.
Where does your focus lie within your current project(s)? (related to methane)
I would like to applied the Methane study to Buffalo for selecting them in the future regarding their methane emission.
What would be the added value for you of joining an international researchers network? (such as the
METHAGENE network)
I will have the chance to interact with other scientists and to have feedback to be useful for improve our research in the
Buffalo species.
What and/or who inspired you to make a career in science?
My love for the true made me love science. Because in science you can never lie. Other ways it is not possible to go
ahead in any type of research.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I like very much the research in general. The possibility of finding something that can be shared with the community,
without any economic interest but only in the name of Science! I think this is amazing for Scientist to take part in the
progress of Science with their findings.
What is your most stand-out or surprising moment in science so far?
Any time I got stocked in a research and then I find a solution, mostly during the night time when I am in bad and cannot sleep because of
thinking and thinking and thinking!