Tell us about yourself (Who are you? Where are you from? What is your educational background?)
My name is Lifeng Dong from China. My PhD degree was obtained from Ulster University and Agri-Food and Bioscience Institute (AFBI), UK,
with bachelor and master study finished in China.
What is your area of expertise?
My main research interest is about energy utilisation efficiency from different genetic merit and genotypes of dairy cows, and
mitigation of enteric methane from ruminants.
Where does your focus lie within your current project(s)? (related to methane)
My current work is involved with comparison of enteric methane emission from different genetic merit and breeds of dairy cows using chamber.
What would be the added value for you of joining an international researchers network? (such as the
METHAGENE network)
It provides me a great opportunity to communicate with colleagues who are working in this area, and it also gives me a range of new perspectives to think about my current work.
It is an amazing opportunity to learn from others.
What and/or who inspired you to make a career in science?
I am always interested in the science. My family and supervisor helped me a lot during my work.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Think differently, try the new idea and get happiness from my work.
What is your most stand-out or surprising moment in science so far?
It is great to seek the balance between milk production and methane emission from dairy cows using every potential approach.
That is the most surprising moment because we could achieve it not only by manipulating cows’ feed but also by using genetic
improvement scheme.