Tell us about yourself (Who are you? Where are you from? What is your educational background?)
I’m Matt Bell and I work in the Agricultural Systems group at Nottingham University. I did my PhD on methane from dairy cows at Edinburgh University/SAC.
What is your area of expertise?
Within the Agricultural Systems group my work integrates disciplines within agricultural research, which broadly covers greenhouse gas emissions,
climate impacts, breeding, nutrition, health and welfare in livestock systems.
Where does your focus lie within your current project(s)? (related to methane)
Current research focuses on sustainability of farming systems, which includes modelling methane emissions from livestock.
What would be the added value for you of joining an international researchers network? (such as the
METHAGENE network)
Sharing knowledge with other members with regard to measurement techniques used to obtain a repeatable phenotype for enteric methane.
What and/or who inspired you to make a career in science?
I enjoyed my time in the sustainable livestock research group in Edinburgh and that experience has been valuable.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
The mix of research, teaching, theory and practical application.
What is your most stand-out or surprising moment in science so far?
Where ever you work in the world, many of the same issues for agriculture exist.