Tell us about yourself (Who are you? Where are you from? What is your educational background?)
Svetlana Kišidayová, Senior researcher
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Animal Physiology, Košice, Slovakia
Education (ISCED 5A): 1978-1983, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Biology – Animal
Physiology, degree RNDr. (Rhenum Nature Doctor)
Education (ISCED 6): 1993-1996, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Animal Physiology, Kosice, Slovakia,
Animal Physiology, degree PhD.
What is your area of expertise?
Nutrition and digestion of animals with focus on ruminants and rumen environment.
Where does your focus lie within your current project(s)? (related to methane)
Our current project is aimed to modulate rumen environment by additives, especially by medicinal herbs to alleviate
the adverse effects of feeding of ruminants by high concentrate diets.
What would be the added value for you of joining an international researchers network? (such as the
METHAGENE network)
I expect to enhance my work with new hot directions in my research field and new cooperation research project.
What and/or who inspired you to make a career in science?
Firstly, my parents were inspiration for me and then the amazing writer Paul de Kruif and his thrilling books on
pioneers in biology science.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
I like so various types of activities in research work and possibility to getting to know new things about nature.
What is your most stand-out or surprising moment in science so far?