A METHAGENE Training School on “Methane physiology for geneticists” was held at Dummerstorf,
Germany from September 30th till October 2nd, 2014. 22 early stage researchers participated
in the course that was evaluated as ‘very good’. 4 teachers covered the topics of:
Global climate change and involvement of ruminants (by Paul Boettcher, FAO)
Rumen microbes as service providers to the host (by Diego Morgavi, INRA)
Nutritional factors and host physiology effects on methane production (by Björn Kuhla, FBN)
Modelling methane production from ruminants (by Jan Dijkstra, WUR)
Paul Boettcher showed that livestock account for ~14.5% of human–induced greenhouse gas emissions,
with feed production and enteric methane productions as the major contributors. Enteric methane is the main source of greenhouse
gas emissions for ruminants: 45% cattle, 55% small ruminants. Dairy beef has lower emissions than specialized beef,
because of double commodity. The variation in intensity suggests the opportunity for mitigation. Mitigation options exist
for all species, systems and regions, and a system change is not required.
Diego Morgavi indicated that rumen microbiota are not just methane producers, but are also service providers to the host.
We (cows, but also human) cannot live without microbes! He explained when microbiota came into play; i.e. plants that are less
digestible changed the evolution of animals, as the need rumination increased. He explained how the ecosystem in the rumen works;
it is an anaerobic ‘chamber’ which is an advantage, because all the feed is now fermented (instead of burned).
However, it is a complex system, and there is not a simple bullet in rumen microbiology. One change can affect all other aspects.
Björn Kuhla explained the major nutritional aspects that affect the methane production. Dry matter intake is the dominant factor
determining methane. And more specifically, it is the organic substance that consists of the crude proteins, the crude fats,
the crude fibers and the Nndash;free extracts. The crude fibers have a huge impact on methane production, especially the highly
fermentable fibers contribute most. Inclusion of fat and oils in the diet reduce methane production by scavenging hydrogen.
Jan Dijkstra finally introduced the trainees to mechanistic models of methane production. Models provide a convenient data summary,
useful for interpolation and cautious extrapolation. They also provide quantitative description and understanding of biological problems,
and they provide strategic and tactical support to research programmes. Mechanistic models seek to understand causations,
and they allow evaluation of dietary mitigation options. In mechanistic models, the prediction of methane emissions is based on the
description of the rumen in terms of components and associated processes.
In between the lectures, visits were planned to the respiration chambers, and to the GreenFeed system used to measure individual
methane productions. The use of sensors was also explained by an external company “Sensors Europe”. The three–day
course had a good coverage of topics related to Methane Physiology for Geneticists. The early stage researchers met many
people working in the same field, and this way enlarging their network.