METHAGENE Expert group meeting on “Comparison of methods for measuring methane”
The Expert group meeting of the Methagene WG2 on comparison of methods for measuring methane was held in Nottingham (UK)
on 19 and 20 January 2016. Seven experts from different countries, which are all members of the METHAGENE consortium,
attended the meeting. The main aims of the workshop were 1) to introduce ourselves and our specialist areas,
2) to discuss current methods and ways to compare them, and 3) to set tasks for addressing the overall aims of WG2.
Each participant presented their work, followed by extensive discussion. Six main methods were discussed: respiration
chambers; sniffers based on Guardian, Gasmet and Greenfeed systems; SF6; and laser gun. Participants each
had data providing comparison of at least two methods. Data will be combined and used to examine comparability of methods,
particularly for ranking cows on methane emissions.