Portugese study on the intensity of milk production on GHG emissions.
Recently a paper has been published with the aim to evaluate the relationship between the intensity of milk production for
a wide range of Portuguese commercial cattle farms and NH3 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure management and
enteric fermentation.
The manure management and enteric fermentation in a typical Portuguese cattle farm contributes with 7.5±0.15 g N/L milk produced as
NH3 and 1.2±0.22 kg CO2 equivalent per litre of milk as GHG. Increasing milk production will significantly
reduce NH3 and GHG emissions per litre of milk produced. It can be concluded that a win-win strategy for reducing
NH3 and GHG emissions from dairy cattle farms will be the increase of milk production on these farms. This goal can be
achieved by implementing animal breeding programs and improving feed efficiency in order to increase productivity.