METHAGENE STSM Blog of Thomas Denninger at the CRA-W in Gembloux, Belgium
Hi, my name Thomas Denninger, I am a PhD student at the Agroscope Institute for Livestock Sciences and at the ETH
Zurich in Switzerland. Currently, I am working with several methane measurement methods. During my first
experiments we compared the results of the SF6 tracer technique with the GreenFeed data and the data
obtained from the milk mid-infrared data in grazing dairy cattle. In my project we want to test rapid low-cost
proxies or direct measurement methods for their accuracy and their calibration with in-depth measurements of
enteric methane emission of low- and high emitting cows. The CRA-W (Centre Wallon de Recherches Agronomique) in
Gembloux has some experiences especially in the application of the SF6 tracer technique, the milk
mid-infrared spectra and the GreenFeed system. For that reason there was the idea to collaborate with the
I am grateful to get possibility to analyse the gas samples collected by the SF6 tracer technique and to
exchange our experiences with regard to several methane measurement methods. I visited Amélie Vanlierde at the
CRACRA-W for one week in October. During the STSM we were focused on the SF6 tracer technique.
During the first days we analysed the collected gas samples from the canisters which were used during the experiment in
Switzerland by means of a GC. The GC at the CRA-W is fitted with a Swagelok connection so you can connect the canisters
directly. Furthermore the GC is equipped with an electron capture detector and with a flame ionization detector to determine
the concentrations of SF6 and CH4, respectively. After the analysis we were able to calculate the
individual methane emission in g per day for each cow. We hope to find a relationship between these data and the data
obtained from the GreenFeed system. All data were explainable and in the range of values which were found in the literature.
Subsequently, we compared the equipment of the SF6 tracer technique from the both institutes in order to optimize
the method in general. Moreover, we discussed various sources of errors to reduce the inconsistencies in the application of
the SF6 tracer technique (e.g. accumulation of gases, storing of samples). On the last day we had time to visit
the GreenFeed system on the barn of CRA-W and its application. In the afternoon I got an overview about the current experiments
and projects at the CRA-W.
I hope that the data will contribute to the objectives of the MethaGene Cost Action. These data will include in the
equation to predict methane emission from milk mid-infrared spectra. Finally, I am really thankful for the good
collaboration between our institutes. I am glad to say that the STSM was very successful with regard to the obtained
data which will be used for future publications. Thanks to the MethaGene COST Action that made the STSM possible.